Drishti Dr.R.C. Jain Innovative Public School
[gva_block_heading title=”Computer Multimedia Labs” align=”align-left”]

The labs are well designed, maintained and extensively used for multi-tasking. The open source software further raises the teaching learning standard.

Well-designed and separate computer labs for kids and older children, run by a well-educated and qualified faculty, with one-on-one access, which means there is one computer for each child. Pre-primary kids learn words through PowerPoint presentations and innovative software.

To raise teaching-learning-working, to contemporary technological standards, well-equipped labs with multimedia, most of them with 19″ LCD monitors that are easier on the eyes and keep the classroom atmosphere comfortable for children. We use the Linux operating system in a fully Wi Fi campus for teaching-learning, documentation and presentations. PowerPoint Presentations and animations are blended together to create wonderful classes.