Health and Wellness Clinic
At Drishti, we believe that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Apart from the academics and other curricular activities, the health of the students is of utmost priority to us. A close watch is kept over the physical well-being and mental health of the child through regular healthcare check-ups. The school also has a Medical Infirmary in the campus where the required first aid is administered, regular check-ups carried out and a record is maintained. Expert doctors are called for special medical drives from time to time. Parents are informed if the doctor finds that a child needs special medical attention. Thereafter the parents are expected to keep the school doctor informed about the action taken.
Parents are requested not to send a sick child to school to attend classes or to appear for examinations as the child’s health is of prime importance.
The medical history of the student must be mentioned by the parents in the almanac. In case any child is on regular medication the details should be submitted to the class teacher.
In order to ensure a healthy diet of the students, a healthy menu is planned. The students are encouraged to bring fruits and vegetables for the break. All the foods available in the canteen are supervised to ensure they are healthy and of good quality. Junk food has been strictly prohibited.