Drishti Dr.R.C. Jain Innovative Public School
[gva_block_heading title=”Physics, Chemistry and Biology Labs” align=”align-left”]

The scientific attitude and aptitude of the students are developed by performing experiments in the labs. The experiments, the tubes, the burner, torso and the skeleton, do not frighten but engross the students.

The School has a well -equipped Physics, Chemistry and Biology labs that allow students to interact directly with the components of science . They get first-hand learning experience by performing various experiments on their own making teaching-learning more easy, effective and interesting. Projects and working models are prepared under the guidance of the subject expert.Lab activities are perfectly amalgamated with the classroom teaching in order to ensure deeperĀ  understanding of the concepts that can be retained forever if they learn by doing. Sometimes, the lab is brought into the class for the juniors so that they perform the experiments while understanding the concepts.