Foundational Stage

Early years of nurturing and learning are very crucial in the lives of children. The grooming of children can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open and rules are flexible.

The moment a child enters the school, the over ambitious denizens of this fast paced world except crispy notebooks. But thrusting a pencil in these tender hands without giving them the opportunity to develop their motor skills may in fact jeopardize their journey into the world of writing. Realizing the need of developing the fine motor skills in our students, the tiny tots are exposed to educationally appropriate and entertaining activities.

Orientation Programme:

Each year an orientation programme for the parents of the Nursery classes is conducted.This unique and interactive show aimed at cultivating awareness among the parents regarding the holistic growth of children in the present scenario where bringing up children is the most arduous, complex and delicate task.

Theme Based Curriculum:

One theme is taken for the month and kids explore it in many ways. That theme directs all classroom activities. It helps children to make connections and see how learning is interconnected.

Integrated Teaching Through Stories :

Children have an innate love for stories. Stories create magic and a sense of wonder at the world. In Drishti we weave all concepts in stories and tell them to the children. It makes their learning long lasting.


Timely activities are organized to develop competitive attitude among children. They are engaged in learning and discovery with these hands on activities. These activities foster creativity and allow kids to develop social, emotional and physical skills.

Celebrations (national as well as international festivals):

Celebrations of important days generate the feeling of oneness among students. All religious and national days like Independence Day, Lohri, Jamanashtmi, Teej etc. are celebrated with great zeal. International festivals like Halloween and Christmas are also celebrated with enthusiasm which help children to increase their global understanding.


Annual exhibition is organised to encourage the students to try out their ideas and apply their classroom learning in more creative way. Each year students show case their creative skills and talents in different ways i.e. Art & Craft zone, Best out of waste zone etc.

Physical Fitness:

Meditation, yoga and aerobics are the part of morning assembly and done on alternate days.Children derive enormous benefits from these. Physically ,it enhances their flexibility, strength, coordination and body awareness.In addition their coordination and sense of calmness improves.To foster a healthy competition among the budding sports persons, the annual athletic meet is organized each year. Students of K.G. participate in various events like 50 mtr, 100 mtr race and fun races( obstacle race, balloon race, toffee race, back race, peanut race etc)

Kindergarten Library:

Reading develops a child’s imagination .In order to inculcate the habit of reading, K.G students are exposed to a number of picture books.